After years of stalking your favorite boudoir photographer, you finally work up the confidence to book a shoot. Suddenly, something stops you in your tracks. Your “flaws” start creeping into your thoughts and you can’t imagine owning your “flaws” and much less loving them.
You are excited about the boudoir shoot. But now you have doubts that you can possibly look like the photos you’ve seen. And then you doubt that you will even like your images. After all, years of comments about how muscular your legs are has helped fuel the thought that you need to conceal.

But here’s the thing. You don’t look like anyone you’ve seen photos of. You aren’t that person. Your photos WILL NOT look the same. And that is the most beautiful realization you can come to.
The funny thing about an intimate photoshoot is it forces you to stop thinking. To stop focusing on your stretch marks, your flat butt and your small boobs and start digging deep to what makes you so unique. The amazing part of all this, is its not your job to show me this when you come in. It is my job and mission to draw it out of you, and I have been told I have a special knack for it.
Miss E said once “I didn’t know how fancy boudoir photos would fit into my down to earth sporty soul, but I look at these photos and I just think Wow! She captured the true ME.”

I can’t wait to show you photos that are just you and watch you either tear up in disbelief or cheer in excitement.
I want you to look at your photos and love every bit of yourself. And that includes owning all of your “flaws” which are really just perfect imperfections. You wouldn’t be you without them.