“The reason the women you hired are not doing well is that you haven’t hired enough of them” -Rosabeth Moss Kanter, 1977 Kanter was studying a firm in NYC that hired the first women in their salesforce. Out of each office of eight, they each put one woman. She was hired to find out why […]
Ariel D. on knowing the right time to change Do you ever want to quit? But you don’t know how or when to quit? It can be SO overwhelming to consider ALL THE THINGS in your 30’s and 40’s. Every decision can seem so crippling and cause a strong woman to stop dead in her […]
You’ve decided you want a session after years of stalking your favorite boudoir photographer, you book a shoot, and something stops you in your tracks. You want to do a boudoir shoot but the sudden realization that you look nothing like the photos you’ve seen make you doubt that you will even like your images. […]